resting with wolves

I hadn’t entirely decided to change my business name when I came across this engraving in an 1870 publication of The Canterbury Tales and Faerie Queene. I was using old books in my photographs of new offerings for my soon-to-be-redesigned website. I was feeling overwhelmed by everything that I needed to get done and the timeline that was set for me, due to market applications and things that were out of my control. What I could control was how much I decided to take on. So, even though I had created a new name that I loved (Talufane), I was continuing with Untold Imprint, because it would be easier.

When I found this ethereal image of a woman sleeping on a lion, I was so taken with it that I started sketching my own version. I imagined who or what I would like to be resting with, if this were me. I’ve always had a fascination with wolves. Like orca whales, I feel drawn to them. I find comfort looking at photographs and watching videos of how they live and interact. They’re such magnificent animals that are so often feared and misunderstood. So I imagined myself in that forest, resting with wolves. It felt dream-like to put my likeness in this fairy tale, but why shouldn’t I be in it? It’s my tale to tell. And that’s something I’ve started to look closely at this past year – why is it often so difficult to do, make, say and be what we love, without the fear of judgment or failure, or shame – or any of the things that we feel when we lay ourselves bare for the world to see? It may seem like a small thing, but drawing myself in a forest with wolves gave me a sense of deep peace.

I drew the scene and wrote the story in my head, and then put the words Untold Imprint underneath the drawing. I liked it, but I didn’t love it. Something wasn’t right. I printed it out and focused on other things. And everyday I would think about Talufane. And everyday I would push it aside because my logical mind would tell me – it’s too much trouble. Finally, I decided for good that I would be Untold and move forward in that decision without regret. But that’s the thing about knowing something in your heart, it’s a tugging feeling that doesn’t let go. After encouragement from my family and a dear friend, I changed the words underneath me and the wolves from Untold Imprint to Talufane. It looked so perfect, like it was meant to be, and I knew then that this was the title of my story.


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a new name & a new chapter